Government Refuses to Publish State Pension Age Report – Lawyer Monthly | Legal News Magazine

Government Refuses to Publish State Pension Age Report

The UK Government has refused to publish a report on whether the rules about pensionable age are appropriate. Section 27(2) of the Pensions Act 2014 required them to publish it “before 7th May 2017.

Government lawyers acting on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions said they won’t publish it, and that even if a Judge ordered them to publish it, they could simply publish a one word report that said, “yes” or “no”. Despite this, they won’t say “yes” or “no” now.

A letter from the Government’s lawyers dated 26th May 2017 was written in response to a Judicial Review Letter Before Claim sent by Signature Litigation on behalf of Joanne Welch on 19th May 2017.

Joanne Welch is a supporter of “Back to 60”, a campaign group that advocates reform of the rules on pensionable age.

Joanne Welch commented: “The Government has completely ignored a High Court case which states that the fact that an election is due to be held on 8 June 2017 does not allow a minister to breach his statutory duty. The Government also refused to answer our questions about why the Department for Work and Pensions failed to issue a press release about its decision not to publish the report, or who took the decision and when it was taken. This is yet another example of the Government’s arrogant and unfair approach to pensions. If Mr Green thinks that a one word answer would be enough for his “report”, why doesn’t he publish it?”

A link to the Crowdfunding page for the Pensions Legal Challenge Fund can be found here. It is part of the #BackTo60 campaign, working to reverse the increased state pension age for women from 66 back to 60.

(Source: Back to 60)

  1. Lottie says

    What a cop out. The state pension age is sure to get worse in my lifetime , I dread to think when – or even if – I will be able to retire

  2. Chris Williams says

    Dear BackTo60.

    Paul Lewis, a pension expert on BBC Radio 4 Moneybox, did say the government were in breach of pensions act 2014 for not reacting to the publication by 7 May. This is where I was confused, because bits of the report were said in finance pages re interviews that Cridland gave on the report including to Paul Lewis on 24 March 2017 and before 7 May.
    The consultation ended 31 December 2016.
    Let us hope the BackTo60 legal claim case starts soon so that full compensation can be paid to the 1950s born women who saw any pension age rise.

  3. Susan spencer says

    I like thousands of woman have worked full time 50-to 60 hours a week for over 45yrs. Thats how I paid my morgage and raised my family. 22 yrs of that was as a single parent. Last 2 yrs I had to give up work as I am crippled with ostioarthritis. Woman work 2 jobs, housework shopping cleaning its all taken its toll. So to find yourself robbed of a pension and abused because my bodys now worn out and disabled, its a double assault from this gov. I didnt choose either and feel robbed by both. To be at the mercy of Atos and the DWP who are neither qualified or medically trained to judge my disability is an added strain on someone whos in pain 24-7 and cheated by a corrupt gov.I wish they could spend a week walking in my shoes when your 61 and your body feels 91.

  4. Jackie Lucker says

    I know just how you feel Susan. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease 5 years ago. The government have robbed me of nearly £50,000 !! I can’t afford to retire and have been told I’m not disabled enough to get any benefits. I really struggle physically and financially. As you say walk a week in my shoes.

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