
A bit more information

ABA House Calls for State Bar Exams to be Cancelled

5th August 2020
The American Bar Association has voted in favour of a resolution urging jurisdictions to find safer alternatives for licensing attorneys.
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Conflict Resolution Day: Business Conflict & Shareholder Legal Rights

17th October 2019
Due to stress, lost clients, pressure, long hours or personal conflicts some SME business relationships can sour over time. But where do you stand if you co-own a business with your partner and you are facing a shareholder dispute?
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How Long Will It Take To Resolve My Case?

22nd May 2019
If you have been injured in an accident, you have probably wondered if it is worth it to sue the at-fault party. If you do decide to sue them, you're probably wondering how long it will take for the lawsuit to be resolved.
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24% Would Contest a Will: The Avoidable and Costly Route to Resolution

9th April 2019
Challenges to wills are becoming increasingly common.
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No-Fault Divorce: Why the Owens v Owens Case Is So Important

24th May 2018
On May 17 2018, the Supreme Court heard its first ever case on divorce itself rather than issues relating to finances or children. The family justice organisation Resolution was the only third party given permission to intervene in the appeal to the Supreme Court in support of Mrs Owens. Mills & Reeve represented Resolution on a […]
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What Happens When Litigation Drags On for Far Too Long?

24th November 2017
A divorced couple are still fighting in court after 25 years and closure has still not been found. Below, Lawyer monthly hears from specialist family lawyer, Lindsay Yateman at Excello Law, who examines the case and argues that one must seek to look at the bigger picture for this and other family cases, in order […]
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How Does Dispute Resolution Affect My Business?

24th February 2017
While owning or managing a business, it is vital that you build and nurture relationships in the same way you nurture the sales of your product or service.
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Lawyer Monthly is a news website and monthly legal publication with content that is entirely defined by the significant legal news from around the world.