
A bit more information

Becoming a Barrister: The Unpredictable Nature of the Courts

9th May 2019
For barristers, the unpredictable nature of the courts can present professional challenges, but for clients in the field of immigration the uncertainty can have damaging repercussions on their personal lives and mental health.
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1/3rd of Expats in the UK Are Worried About Domestic Politics

16th April 2019
New research reveals that 14% of expats in the UK would consider returning to their home country for political reasons
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Do Generous Welfare Systems Make Immigration More Expensive?

12th April 2019
Migration between European countries does not lead to higher costs for countries that have more generous welfare systems than those with more restrictive systems, new analysis has shown.
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Which US Visa Is Right for You?

2nd April 2019
“Litwin & Smith immigration follows our US immigration roots: my grandparents were immigrants from the United Kingdom; Edward Litwin’s grandparents are from Lithuania.”, shares Donald Smith. Believing that the diversity of American origins makes the US greater, Donald says: “Our heartfelt mission is helping people that are seeking to immigrate to the US and make […]
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Becoming a Barrister: Practising Immigration Law

5th March 2019
This week Lawyer Monthly benefits from the growing expert insight of Ahmed Osman, a barrister in pupillage at One Pump Court, as he discusses his own experiences in dealing with the immigration law practice.
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President Trump’s Threats to Remove Birthright Citizenship Could Impact Surrogacies

5th March 2019
Birthright citizenship plays a vital role in family law, particularly for foreign nationals who chose to have a child through surrogacy.
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Golden Visa Business, Alive and Well?

6th February 2019
Governments such as the UK have come under renewed pressure to limit or suspend visa systems which have the effect of offering visas, residency or passports to the rich-and-famous, if they “invest” in the country concerned.
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Lawyer Monthly is a news website and monthly legal publication with content that is entirely defined by the significant legal news from around the world.