Family Law

A bit more information

Ex-pats and Divorce: What Are the Challenges?

28th February 2020
What are the main differences between Scots and English family law? There are some striking differences between Scots and English law relating to financial provision on divorce, for example, in relation to spousal maintenance, the treatment of pre-marriage assets, and the approach to pension sharing.   The grounds for divorce, and the legal procedure, is also […]
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How to Best Manage a Divorce with an International Dimension

21st February 2020
Divorces with an international dimension often have added degrees of complexity.
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How to Find a Good Life Insurance Lawyer

19th February 2020
Life insurance isn't just one of those things you need because you are an adult.
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Jack’s Law: How Has It Transformed Grieving at Work

6th February 2020
April will welcome a new law for parents who suffer still birth or the death of a child.
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Tips on Gaining Custody During Divorce

31st January 2020
Witnessing her parents’ divorce shaped her decision to specialize in custody litigation, and this month, we speak to her on how to fight for child custody and showcase to the judge you have your child’s best interest at heart. How does a judge decide custody during divorce? There are two main underpinnings of the public […]
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Majority of Divorcees Leave Themselves Open to Future Financial Claims

30th January 2020
Figures from the Ministry for Justice, obtained by family law experts at Stephens Scown LLP through a Freedom of Information request, show that in 65% of divorces in England and Wales there was no financial settlement at the time of divorce.
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The Bauer Judgment: Disaster Averted for DB Pension Scheme Sponsors

16th January 2020
A judgement was delivered in Pensions-Sicherungs-Verein VVaG v Günther Bauer by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) last month, ruling that any reduction in benefits paid to former employees due to a company insolvency is "manifestly disproportionate.”
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