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What To Do After A Domestic Violence Arrest

14th May 2024
The world spins on its axis, but your whole life is just tilted sideways. The flashing lights, the raised voices, and the cold metal cuffs—a domestic violence arrest can leave you feeling disoriented and scared. Maybe you're confused, or maybe you're angry. 
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What Do Domestic Violence Services Do -- and How Can They Help Victims?

14th August 2023
Domestic violence is a destructive pattern of behaviours used by one partner to exert power and control over another within an intimate relationship.
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4 Effective Solutions to Domestic Violence

15th February 2023
Domestic violence is an issue that affects many members of the community, and it’s crucial to find practical solutions.
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How Does Domestic Violence Affect Divorce Proceedings?

29th April 2022
Though the issue of domestic violence continues to grow more visible, the practical steps necessary to overcome the threat it poses remain difficult.
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Domestic Violence and Divorce

5th November 2019
Talking to Suanne Honey, she explains the different avenues abused partners can take, and why despite being in the midst of high emotions, children must be considered first and foremost. What protections does the abused spouse get when undergoing a divorce in this case?  he biggest advantage of a protective order (also called a Domestic […]
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‘No Typical Victim of Domestic Violence’ Warns Legal Specialist

17th November 2016
Misconceptions regarding the ‘typical’ victims of domestic violence are leaving thousands of people in a dangerous situation vulnerable to abuse, legal specialist Percy Hughes & Roberts has warned. In a survey of over 600 people, Percy Hughes & Roberts asked respondents who they believe to be the most commonly affected by domestic violence, with 79% […]
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What is Domestic and Sexual Violence?

1st February 2024
Domestic and sexual violence are pervasive issues that impact millions worldwide, often occurring behind closed doors yet leaving deep, lasting scars.
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