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5 Reasons Why Hiring a Divorce Attorney Could Save Your Marriage

12th March 2024
Lack of communication or intimacy, infidelity, incompatibility in parenting style, or fighting over financial decisions – are a few common reasons why couples decide to get a divorce.
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Do I Need a Divorce Attorney in New York?

5th March 2024
Patricia Fersch, a seasoned practitioner in matrimonial and family law with three decades of experience in New York City, offers invaluable perspectives on divorce proceedings. In this interview, she delves into crucial considerations such as the necessity of legal representation, types of divorce in New York, the divorce process timeline, mediation as an option, child […]
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A Comprehensive Guide for Australian Business Owners: Employee Rights, Entitlements, Safety, and Health

21st December 2023
Running a business in Australia comes with various obligations, and chief among them is ensuring that your employees' rights, entitlements, safety, and health are safeguarded.
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The Importance of Mediation to Workplace Conflict Resolution 

30th October 2023
The typical conflict style exhibited by individuals and leaders in the workplace is conflict avoidance and issues that are not managed well early are certain to manifest into more serious hurt, offenses, unprofessionalism, mismanaged conflict, bad conduct, and bad behaviour...
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ADR in Family Law: When is it Suitable?

31st July 2023
Most common family law issues can be addressed outside of the courtroom, avoiding many of the financial and emotional costs associated with litigation.
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Everything You Need To Know About Spousal Support In California

23rd June 2023
Spousal support, also known as alimony or spousal maintenance, refers to the financial support provided by one spouse to the other following a divorce or separation.
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Addressing M&A Concerns in Companies with Foreign Workers

31st May 2023
When acquiring or merging with a company that employs foreign workers, a new range of legal considerations are added to the regular host of concerns.
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