Estate Planning

A bit more information

When Do You Need a Probate Lawyer? Key Situations that Require Legal Assistance

25th July 2023
A probate lawyer, who sometimes goes by the name of estate lawyer or estate planning attorney, is someone who focuses on handling the legal process of managing a deceased person's estate.
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5 Signs of Abuse and Neglect in a Nursing Home

11th July 2023
Nursing home abuse and neglect affect many families yearly.
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Should You Appoint Your Children as Attorneys in Your LPA?

30th June 2023
A lasting power of attorney (LPA) represents a way fto place crucial decisions in the hands of trusted individuals - but they are often misunderstood.
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A Guide to Succession Law and Intestacy in Ireland

30th June 2023
What complications are caused when an individual dies intestate, and how is the deceased’s estate then divided?
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Succession Planning for Families With Businesses

30th June 2023
Estate planning is a difficult subject for many families, often laden with emotional challenges and issues of communication.
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How to Effectively Use Dynasty Trusts

30th June 2023
Distinct from trusts solely intended to protect the creator, dynasty trusts are unique in allowing wealth to be preserved across multiple successive generations.
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Conditions for Adding a Caveat in a Will

14th June 2023
A will is a legal document that either guides the distribution of a testator's estate assets, appoints a guardian for minor children, or both.
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