7 Essential Tools for Efficient Law Study in 2024

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Posted: 10th June 2024 by
Lawyer Monthly
Last updated 16th July 2024
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There's no need to sugarcoat it: studying law is tough. The sheer volume of information paired with the complexity of legal concepts, plus tight deadlines, can sometimes make studying law incredibly difficult. This is why it's essential to find ways to stay organized and manage your time effectively. 

There's no need to sugarcoat it: studying law is tough. The sheer volume of information paired with the complexity of legal concepts, plus tight deadlines, can sometimes make studying law incredibly difficult. This is why it's essential to find ways to stay organized and manage your time effectively. 

After all, you can't get more than 24 per day, but you can make the hours you have available for study count more. 


By studying more efficiently.

This is where technology can be a lifesaver. From legal research platforms to productivity apps all the way to study aids, the following tools and platforms can greatly enhance your study sessions and help you navigate your studies more effectively.


CaseText is a nifty legal research tool that uses AI to streamline searches for case law, statutes, and legal analysis, making finding supporting legal precedents easier and quicker.

With it, you don't have to waste time on sifting through countless irrelevant cases; you just focus on the most pertinent information for your assignments and exams. Granted, it's still best to double-check everything on your own, but this tool definitely simplifies things.


Keeping your notes organized is crucial for effective studying, and Evernote, a note-taking app, can help you organize all your study materials in an ultra-neat, accessible way.

Using this app, you can create different notebooks for each course, as well as tag notes for easy retrieval so you can quickly find specific information within your notes whenever you need it. Evernote also allows you to attach files, audio recordings, and images to your notes, as well as sync everything across multiple devices so you always have your study materials with you.


Quimbee is an educational resource with free bar exam example questions that you can use to study and practice for the MBE. Their questions are broken down by subject (criminal procedure, property, evidence, constitutional law, etc.) but there are also mixed-subject practice tests to cover all bases.

Quimbee also offers a Bar Review course with real, licensed questions from past bar exams and essay grading by real attorneys, so it might be worth investing in when you're preparing for the bar exam. The course is organized into an easy-to-follow study calendar, ensuring you stay on track and cover all necessary material before the exam.


LexisNexis is a staple for legal research as it offers access to an extensive database of case law, statutes, legal news, and journals. Its advanced search functionalities allow you to quickly find relevant legal documents and stay updated on recent legal developments.

For conducting thorough legal research, writing papers, and preparing for moot court competitions, this platform is invaluable. It can help you become a better legal researcher as it offers tools to track and manage citations to make sure your legal writing is always precise and accurate.


If you, like most law students, are juggling multiple assignments, group projects, and deadlines, consider using Trello. This popular project management tool has a visual board and list system that allows you to break down tasks into manageable chunks and track your progress.

With Trello, you can create boards for different subjects, set due dates, and assign tasks to specific team members when you're working on group projects. Because everything is so visual, it makes staying on top of your entire workload, no matter how complex, much easier.


To make sure all your legal (and otherwise) writing is clear and free of errors, use Grammarly. This AI-powered typing assistant checks for grammar, punctuation, and style issues, plus provides suggestions for improving your text.

Grammarly also offers a plagiarism detection feature, which, while not the best out there, can still be beneficial for maintaining academic integrity. This tool is particularly useful when drafting briefs, memos, essays, and other written assignments, as it can help you produce more polished work.

Pomodoro Timer

A Pomodoro timer is a time management tool based on the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working in focused intervals - typically 25 minutes - followed by short breaks. This is a great technique to use if you want to boost your productivity, as it rigorously sets time for work and time to take a break. 

Thanks to short, scheduled breaks, it also prevents burnout. Even if you're not usually a fan of time management tools, consider using one during more intensive study periods, as it really can ensure you make the most of your time.


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