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How to Make Your Law Career Mean Something

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Posted: 5th July 2018 by
Last updated 17th July 2024
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You’ve always wanted to make an impact — whether it’s in your neighborhood or on a much bigger scale. And of course, making a little money while you do it is always nice. What’s the easiest way to do both?

If you’re thinking it starts with education, you’re right. If you’re thinking it involves grueling commutes, four-hour night classes or a campus-style life, you’re wrong. There’s an easier way to advance your career in law. It’s affordable, convenient and timely, and best of all, you only have to do is follow a couple easy steps to advancing a career in law.


Getting Started

If you want to make six figures and help out people in need, there’s no better starting point than a degree in labor law. Ensuring that those who work every day to put meals on their family’s table are safe and properly compensated is no small task. Law grads are landing jobs at a higher pace than in previous years, and there’s no reason for you to miss the boat. With almost 75 percent of law degree graduates finding gainful, long-term employment, now is the chance to jump on board — especially when taking online labor law courses is so simple.


Perhaps the most significant perk of learning labor law online is the convenience. Forget having to make the long haul to the nearest university — your classroom is on your couch. If you’re looking to cut out campus-related distractions to focus on what matters, your education, look no farther than online education. Still, you should know that you’re interested in this field before you enroll, so let’s highlight the advantages to practicing labor law and the best way to get started.


Helping Others Starts Small

If you’re easily perturbed when someone is treated unfairly, the labor law field is for you. Seeing people in power take advantage of those who have few or no options is frustrating. This is your chance to fix it. Providing protection for the working class is admirable and self-fulfilling. It doesn’t carry the glamour that some other law occupations might, but you’ll go home at the end of most days feeling accomplished.

As big businesses grow even larger, employees, who compose much of those firms, increase in number. Those at higher levels are most interested in keeping overhead down and making as much of a profit as possible — which sometimes results in unfair working conditions. People having a voice to fight for them has never been more important, and now that voice can be you. This happens all over the world in markets large and small, but the best way for you to break into the field is by starting at a smaller firm and taking on progressively larger cases.


Show Me the Money

If you enter a field like labor law, you’re most likely not doing it for yourself, but it doesn’t hurt that labor lawyers make a pretty good chunk of change themselves. Labor law strikes that nice middle ground where you’re spending reasonable hours helping others while collecting a nice paycheck. How much you earn will depend on where geographically you practice, your firm, and your proficiency in the field, but most can expect to make upwards of $90,000 per year.


Now Hiring

Perhaps the most important factor when looking at a major is job prospects is required training. It is frustrating to devote time and energy to study that doesn’t impact your career, but a labor law degree will certainly pay off. With the field continually growing, you should feel confident there are plenty of available positions for graduates.

Labor law is not a niche field. There is a need for labor lawyers all over the United States — and around the world.  You should also be enthused by the prospect of online education, which allows you to continue practicing while you enhance your career. Along with a healthy compensation and rewarding sense of helping others, staying close to home (or opting to get away from home) is just another advantage. That sounds like a lot of pros for the labor law field, so what is holding you back from enrolling in classes today?

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