Lawyer Monthly - March 2024

92 LAWYER MONTHLY MARCH 2024 effective handling of their difficulties. What is it that sets BBLM Avocats apart from other law firms and how has the firm advanced over the years, what positive changes have you witnessed to create an even better firm for the clients? BBLM started with 4 lawyers and we now have more than 50 lawyers and around 70 overall. We want to continue to grow but in a coherent, considered way and by creating synergies with the sole aim of continuing to meet the current and future needs of our clients. One of the elements of our DNA is strong involvement in cases and understanding of our clients’ needs by trying to provide the most comprehensive solutions possible. Customers expect agility and responsiveness in the solutions provided to them and understanding of their challenges and potential risks. We therefore strive to be creative while remaining pragmatic and consistent with the client’s situation. It could sound commonplace but this is our core value. Can you tell us about a time you worked on a project and were able to help the clients successfully restructure their business, what is the key factor to a company being able to recover? As mentioned above, one of the keys to the success of a file is the anticipation beyond, I would say that it is necessary to get transparency in the exchanges with our client and a high responsiveness of its teams. We know that these difficult times are a source of tension for the manager and his teams encourage discussion relating to the problems encountered within the cases and try to be as agile and adaptable as possible according to the needs and developments of the projects. What advice would you give a company which is facing difficulty and may need to restructure, how should they handle this? In my opinion, the key word is anticipation. It’s indisputable that the sooner difficulties are dealt with, the greater the chances of success. Managers often have a very poor image of out-ofcourt procedures, equating them with insolvency procedures, and are therefore reluctant to use them, at the expense of to this matter. Your department is made up of three partners, including you and two associates, how does your team dynamic work, can you tell us how you utilise everyone’s skills within your department and how working with a closer, more intimate team can be beneficial? Inside the team, we do not have a set pattern for allocating and managing cases, and we work indifferently with any particular member. We In my opinion, the key word is anticipation. It’s indisputable that the sooner difficulties are dealt with, the greater the chances of success.

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