Lawyer Monthly - March 2024

a mediation in a similar way as the traditional in person method. Personally, I much prefer to use all my senses in person with participants. However, where a participant is many miles away or incapacitated or abroad, then a Zoom mediation has much to commend it. There are, of course, other remote methods, such as Microsoft Teams if one prefers. Using WhatsApp encrypted is also a great free method of communicating on the phone. What are some of the common challenges faced in mediation, and how to address them? Bias This could be a problem because an individual may or may not be aware of their biases. Neutrality is the core concept of mediation- it is a challenge for most mediators. Personally, to be aware of bias I seek feedback from the participants and as many people as I have regular contact with including family. I do my best to accept the feedback. 34 LAWYER MONTHLY MARCH 2024 As businesses become more complex and global, the need for mediation will continue to grow. What is remote mediation and is the process and results the same as traditional mediation? Remote mediation is a process of mediating online through computer software or by telephone. Remote mediation could take place on many different platforms. It gives the mediator, and the participants maximum flexibility and is also proven to reduce stress and anxiety in attending mediation in this way. One of the main benefits of remote mediation is a reduction in travel and all participants having to meet in one geographical location. One of the biggest challenges is embracing the technology used to access remote mediation. The Society of Mediators have published a helpful Guide to Remote mediation using Zoom and similar software in February this year. Since the beginning of Covid I have been using Zoom which is excellent and has a very helpful page on getting started. You can learn how to use the Zoom desktop or mobile client; there are many helpful learning tutorials on Zoom to help you get the most out of using Zoom. You do not need a Zoom account to use Zoom as a participant. I find that my fellow members of the Society of Mediators use Zoom, and we started a mutual self-help group in Covid to help us get to grips with this technology. It really is user-friendly and if I can use it, I am sure all the readers of this article can do the same! Mediators can create virtual private rooms, including breakout rooms. A great deal of our training as mediators with the Society is done in this way. Of course, the process is impersonal, but one can successfully conclude

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