Lawyer Monthly - January 2024

THOUGHT LEADER 27 faster development and adoption of sustainable solutions, overcoming common barriers to innovation such as high research costs and limited access to cutting-edge technologies. Through the pool, companies can expedite the implementation of ESG-related technologies, supporting their own ESG objectives while contributing to broader industry sustainability goals. What are the future intentions of the ESG Smart Pool? The ESG Smart Pool aims to grow its available assets by bringing on additional founders. This expansion will cover adjacent and complementary ESG technologies, further enabling members to access a broader range of innovations. The pool intends to continue facilitating collaboration among organizations, fostering the development and adoption of and industries to adopt, comply with, and further innovate within ESG goals. The pool covers various technology areas, including electrical grid operations, energy systems, materials manufacturing, transportation, marine technology, defect detection, inspection, and communication arrangements. Can you tell us how patent licensing of ESG technologies will work and what the benefits will be? The patent licensing process within the ESG Smart Pool involves companies contributing their patents to the pool, which are then curated based on their relevance to ESG criteria and potential impact. This collaborative approach allows participating companies to access a diverse range of technologies efficiently. The benefits include Its primary aim is to streamline access to ESG-related innovations for innovators, start-ups, and global corporations.

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