Lawyer Monthly - March 2023

We sometimes recommend bringing in other subject matter experts. That may include electrical engineers, structural engineers, metallurgists, testing agencies, acousticians, or others, depending, of course, on the nature of the problem at hand. When there are multiple experts in a complex litigation matter, ACS often assists counsel in coordinating their efforts to avoid overlap and ensure a coordinated result. What processes do you follow when it comes to litigation consulting? Depending upon the complexity of the technical issues involved in the matter, ACS customises and adapts reliable processes to reach definitive conclusions and opinions based on the fact patterns, participants, timing, and technical and legal theories. Our processes on a given retention may include observation of the construction site, review of the design documents and supporting calculations, reconstruction of the original calculations to test the design, evaluation of the performance specifications for EXPERT INSIGHT 77 We evaluate the who, what, where, how, and other implications of the claims asserted with respect to our client and develop a plan of investigation.

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